Home/Physical Security Product/New Version Room Safe🔍New Version Room Safe Request a quotation Share this product Description DescriptionRelated products Ceres Safe (New) Model 1: 36-OK Model 2: 68-OK Model 3: LS-106 Comet Safe The Comet Safe is a medium-duty security safe designed to provide basic protection for your valuables and documents against theft… Lion K-Series Room Safe Lion BD 90 Bankers Door In an industry where you are entrusted with the responsibility of safe keeping, the Lion BD 90 Bankers Door will… Commando Safe (New) Lion Fire Resistance Cabinet Durable Fireproof Cabinet In Malaysia Lion Steelworks provides a distinguished solution for corporations are constantly looking for fireproof cabinet in… Polaris Hotel Safe Best Hotel Safe Box In Malaysia An important element while searching for a hotel to stay in would be… Lion Safe Deposit Lockers Because your customer place their trust in you and because what they entrust is their valuables, you provide the best…